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The weekend of Lexi’s surgery was the same weekend that the Super Run Car Show in Henderson was taking place. This is the same car show that I took Lexi to last year. This year was different since Grandma, Grandpa and Momma were around.

We arrived at the show and parked in the same place that we parked last year. The entire family unloaded and we started to walk the show. We started by walking up one of the side streets towards Water Street that served as the main drag for the show. When we came to Water Street we saw this and Lexi was so excited!!! I had to grab a couple pictures.

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That is Mater for the movie Cars. Lexi really likes that movie so getting this picture was really great for her. She was really excited to see this it was so cute!!

After this Lexi, Grandma and Momma spent their time together while the boys, Grandpa and I, walked the show. It was a beautiful day compared to the year earlier. Last year the temperature was in the mid 100’s to low 110’s. We were lucky in that it was only in the low- to mid- 90’s. So Grandpa and I walked nearly the entire show. There was a small side street or two that we missed but we got to most of it.

Published inFamily & Friends