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A Trip to the Park

When we were down in California last we took Lexi to the park. It is the same park that we always take her to when we are there. It was an absolutely beautiful day. It was just warm enough to not need a jacket; yet cool enough to not break out into a sweat walking from the car to the playground equipment. We probably spent close to two hours letting her run around and play on anything that she could put her hands on. Here are some pictures that I grabbed while she was playing.

These first two were taken with me lying on a platform that she was climbing up to. I feel really lucky to have snapped not just one good picture of her smiling but two! She would pop up and then see me and just give me such a huge smile!

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Here she is swinging back and forth and Grandma grabbed her, pulled her in close, and laid a big old kiss on her! I have two pictures like this one, but this one turned out better in my opinion.

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If you compare the second picture to the one with her face painted you can clearly see an improvement in her eye alignment. It seems that it improves a little more and more each day. We have another follow-up appointment on Wednesday, October 10th. The doctor had mentioned two weeks ago that she may change her lenses to remove the bi-focal.

Published inFamily & Friends