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Sleeping with New Babies

For Easter Lexi received a ton of goodies ranging from candy to babies. Of the babies there are two that Lexi has grown attached to. They are nearly identical stuffed rabbits. They are both wearing hats and shirts, on one the clothing is red and the other blue. She has been wanting to carry these guys around ever since I took them out of the basket that Papa T got for her. I even ask her, “Who got those for you?”

To which she replies, “Papa T!”

It is really cute. So the other night we were laying down for bed and she crashed out. As usual I stayed up a little later to watch TV and get some around the house stuff done. I gently got up and when I turned around to check on her this is what I saw. Of course I couldn’t resist and just had to take a picture for everyone to see.

Published inFamily & Friends