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An Afternoon at the Park

As promised here is the post that was originally going to be put up on Friday. Let me begin with an update on Lexi. She is doing fine. I don’t know what was off with her on Thursday but she eventually woke up and became active around 8:30 in the morning. Then the rest of the day was pretty normal. I guess she must have just had a really long week and needed a three day weekend.

After school on Tuesday I thought that I would take Lexi to the park before doing all the other after work activities that were going to be done. Lucky for me I remembered to take my camera with me and was able to get some pictures. She had a great time. We arrived around 6:00 and stayed until 7:30. Afterwards we went to the store and finally got something to eat before going home. She was a good girl the entire night.

This is the second largest slide that is at this park. She decided that she wanted to go down head first. Who am I to stop her?? After this and a couple other trips down a slide I decided to take off her glasses and hat.

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I don’t know what she was thinking here but I just had to get a picture. She looks so comfortable.

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She has so much fun swinging on this bar. Just about gives me a heart attack though.

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I must say that I got really lucky to catch this picture. This is one of the two things she loves to climb on. Of course she hates it when I try to help her. Again another heart attack just waiting to happen.

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This was taken at the bottom of the largest slide at this park. She loves to run up to the top and come down just hollering and laughing all the way down. If you look closely, or enlarge the picture, you can see that the static electricity is causing her hair to stand straight up.

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Well that about does it for today. Everything is going good and I already have some more pictures for tomorrow. Not many but some.

Also I should mention that I had a small scare while at the park this day. She was climbing on another one of the jungle gym pieces and actually fell. I was lucky in that I was nearby and saw her loose her footing. I ran over and tried to grab her. I got just enough of my hand under her butt to slow her fall to a slow thud on the ground. Luckily she didn’t hit anything on the way down and was back up and playing less than a minute later.

Published inFamily & Friends