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Happy Lexi

Wow talk about a busy February. Sorry for the lack of updates everyone. I spent the past week and a half in the San Jose area. I will go into that more in a couple days. More then likely when I get back to Vegas.

For now here are some pictures of Lexi. While I was in San Jose, Grandma and Grandpa managed to get Lexi addicted to Monsters, Inc. She absolutely loves that movie. They ask her if she wants to look like Boo, the little girl, and she nods yes. So grandma puts her hair up in little pigtails and she just looks so adorable!!

Another new thing is we can ask her, “Where is happy Lexi?” and she will give you a smile like the one in the middle picture. Even when she gets upset asking her to show us happy Lexi she will do her best to crack a smile and be happy.

Tonight we decided to go over to Victoria Gardens and get her some new shoes. I am really glad that we did. We measured her feet and she was a size 8.5 and the shoes she was wearing were 8.0. It was definitely time for a new pair. After purchasing her shoes we went to the Thomas Station store that was right next door and let her play with the toys there for a good 15 minutes. Next thing was the little train that they have running around the area. She absolutely loves riding it. This time we let Grandpa ride with her this time instead of me. That is what she is in line for in the middle picture and what she is riding in the last picture. The crown she has on was given to her at the shoe store. She was such a good girl the entire night!!

Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. These were all taken using my camera phone as I had left my regular camera at the house.

Published inFamily & Friends