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Park Time

A few weeks ago Lexi spent the week with her Grandma and Grandpa in California. From talking with Dawn’s folks it sounds like she had a really great time. Before little one knew it, it was time for us to bring her home.

The same weekend that we picked her up I had taken Dawn’s folks to the airport for a trip they were taking out of town. After dropping them off, that left the three of us all alone at the house with nothing to do. We took the opportunity on Saturday to lounge around the house and relax.

The next day we felt it would be a good idea to get out of town a little earlier then we normally do. Typically we leave Sunday nights late, around 7:00 p.m, but today we wanted to get back early enough to be able to get some things done at the house in Vegas before the work week started. But before we left we thought that we would take Lexi to her favorite park there in California. It is so hard to take her to a park here in Vegas during the summer. When we pick her up after school the temperature is usually hanging around 105 and stays there until two in the morning which makes taking her to the park just ridiculous. So we thought we would spoil her and take her before we left to come home. Here are a couple shots.

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In this one she was mad at us for one reason or another. So I was teasing her telling her that she could make uglier faces then that. This is one of the clearest, ugliest faces she made. But as you can see she eventually got over it and was a happy Lexi again.

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Published inFamily & Friends